1. Introduction to the characters and premise of the story
  2. Time travel to the medieval era. Introduce the Quest to the player. Collect the tea and talk to the trader about the king.
  3. Talk to the locals and begin the journey of discovering clues and building an understanding of the world. Collect a piece of gold and a hens egg
  4. A break in the story allows the player to gather their thoughts and experience the world. Collect a piece of Gold.
  5. Build anticipation for the story to meet with the king. Talk the guard 1 and guard 2 to continue.
  6. The final level before the quest is completed allows the character to prepare to meet the king. Collect the cake and trade the hen’s egg with the wizard.
  7. Converse with the king and trade the cake for the gold
  8. Fix the time machine and return back to the current time.
  9. This is more of just an extra page. I thought it would be interesting to level the story open-ended in the audience’s mind, giving them the opportunity to imagine what happens next instead of it just being over.

From the beginning, I wanted to design a game that had a cohesive story and characters but a different experience and feeling from room to room. This allows the player to have a novel experience with each room but still be able to have a quest that flows throughout the story, and connects all the events, and gives meaning to their journey. The main inspiration for my story structure was the Disney’s park Peter pan ride and the old pretzel rides. As you move from room to room the story unfolds. In some rooms, the pacing is faster and in some, the pacing is slower. I tried to do this in a way that allows the player to stay engaged and interested but not overwhelmed. In each room, I tried to introduce a new idea and concept that builds and adds to the previous ideas and concepts.

The story starts off by revealing to the player that they will be one of the 1st people to take part in the very exciting experiment of time travel! From the very beginning, many of the objects are abstract down to basic shapes and are placed in the room in a way to give context that there is some type of abstract utility or function that the scientists use. This also helps inform the reader of what is happening before they even talk with anyone. The 1st transition I wanted it to feel like something strange had happened. You are time traveling and something went wrong. I think it would be confusing to use regular transitions because the audience might not understand that you time traveled. Throughout the story I keep room-to-room transitions simple and when there is a need for a temporal or spatial transition I use something like a dissolve wipe effect to let the audience know the time has passed. I wanted the story to play out almost like a movie where all of the interesting pieces are shown to the audience but the unnecessary or boring pieces are cut out. Many times a movie will skip over the characters traveling, walking, or doing any other ordinary tasks that do not contribute to the story.

AuthorTR Kerr
Made withbitsy

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